Saturday, December 20, 2008

Feats of Strength

Contrary to wide-spread rumors, promoted primarily by my grandma, I have not been on such a bed of affliction that I could not even write a blog entry. I am humbled that people would assume it would take an abject illness to keep me from this, but in reality, I have just been exceptionally apathetic about it of late.

Fortunately for my devoted public, I am currently attempting to beat jet lag by staying up all night before my flight in the morning. I have nothing better to do.
This weblog is illustrated...

Some of us from Dramatic English went out for a "Christmas Buffet". It's apparently a popular thing to do. Here's my chromatic meal:
People were there, too:

l-r is Raymond (former DE employee and the most British person I've ever met in HK), Cloris, Joan, Kazumi, Vera, Logan, Angel. Tim's on the floor and I'm in the back with the new guy. When I asked Vera how to spell the new guy's English name, she said "h-e-m-a-n" and I said something about Castle Grayskull. As it turns out, his name is actually Henman. And he was almost epic.

This is typical to celebrate a birthday:

That's a giant lotus bun with fairly sophisticated pyrotechnics jabbed into it. I took this as the flames were dying out. Only in China.

Here's a shot from a show we did a few days ago. Those's why I love my job.

Just to alleviate any confusion, that's Tim in the picture, not me.

I'll be in the US between Dec 20 and Jan 1. I won't have a phone and will rarely have Internet access--so good luck finding me!

1 comment:

The Classic Harpist said...

Apparently fires are loud in China.