Monday, February 16, 2009


I love rocks.
Also trying out a new format for the photos on here. I'm so adventurous.
These were some of my fellow clowns in the Chinese New Year parade. Notice the guy in the center. He does the English voice-overs for all Japanese cartoons exported to the U.S., Australia, U.K., etc. In other words, he's a legend in the eyes American pre-teens with social disorders.

Can someone, anyone, explain this? Please. Before, it was WARM GAGS, as if they're for sale. Now, we mustn't have any gag at all.
I'm sure Devon has an insight on this.

I really like the lions. I want to be one when I grow up. So does Japanimation voice guy. I told him I'll be his butt someday.
Okay, so all these pictures are old-ish. I did take a dazzling photo of the moon recently because they said that it was the roundest it had been in 50 years. I'm so wild.
Went to hear Chick Corea play last week--great show, but I definitely enjoyed him better in the jazz club setting rather than the concert hall. I did, however, meet a Chinese Chicagoan hard be-bop guitarist as I waited for the band at the backstage door. In addition to be-bopping hard, she works at a school and has already booked my company to do a show there. I really should get a commission.
My Cantonese lessons are GAY HO!! Or, "really good." My instructor told me that I'm the fastest and easiest student she's ever had. I said, "thanks, but don't tell my mom I'm fast and easy." Didn't quite translate...
Work: we've finished the Anti-Internet Piracy show and performed it about 3 times so far. It's great. I feel sort of like part of a propaganda scheme. I'm also in charge of the interactive elements of the show. I brief a group of about 12 students 30 minutes before the show and then terrorize them throughout the drama. The terror consists of asking them questions and putting a microphone in their face.
Valentine's Day consisted of a Jungle Book rehearsal (a few of my students gave me candy and/or crackers), a Listen to Me rehearsal, and a gathering at Vera's house. I made guacamole with avocados (`oww `yoww 'gwa, or "butter fruit") that were difficult to come by and completely unripe, much like single men in Hong Kong.
If you're bored with my blog, check out my dear friend Andy's. He's in Rwanda teaching Biology and English--should be on the sidebar under "recently nomadic."
I'm working on getting my China visa--and possibly try to see Hillary, although I don't think my work schedule will allow for it. Or I'll just wait and see if she can improve diplomatic relations and make it cheaper and easier for me to go to the mainland.
Anyway, that's all for now. I'm still without internet and if I stay at this cafe much longer, they might ask me to do dishes or something.


niftysunburn said...

Maybe you should stop being cheap and spring for your own connections to the interwebs super speedways?

Anonymous said...

RIGHT ON! nifty sunburn!

Anonymous said...

So you have done the Internet Anti-Piracy Show "about three times"! I could understand if it were
"about thirty times," but it would seem that you could ascertain, without undue mental strain, whether you had done the show two, three, or four times.

Caitlin Rose said...

I like your dad's comments every time. It is almost my birthday. It is already my birthday in Mongolia, where I will be in 116 days. I love and miss you tres much! love, C

The Classic Harpist said...

I have no insight on GAGs, whether they be exclusively warm or completely absent.

You are the butt of a lion. And a fast, easy, gay ho. There's got to be a joke in there somewhere... Dad?

Camber Carpenter said...

Seems like everyone is picking on me.
Now, if Mr. Bradbury joins this bandwagon, I'll be in real trouble.

In my weak defense, the shortest internet contract I've found is 24 months. I may be here for only 5 more months--17 more months at the very most. I am a product of my dad's logic and frugality.