Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Hola, Hong Kong

Alert blog readers will easily recall Rita, my friend from Spain, currently living in Beijing. She once again visited Hong Kong, but this time with her mom, Rita. Two Ritas are even better than one.
Mama Rita is loca, in the best way possible. She also was the object of attention
from all the men in Hong Kong.

We toured around Hong Kong on my day off and met for dinner and disgusting dessert on days I worked.
I don't know the precise contents of these photos, but I know that in at least one, you can see my red, now fading to pink hair.
You'll also notice the higher quality of photos, thanks to Rita 2.0 and her equipment and talent. My camera's battery has been dead for a month.


Anonymous said...

Only a 6 day gap between blogs!!!!! Way to go Camber! No penguin = more blogging. This is, of course, the mom

The Classic Harpist said...

I see Star Ferry! I hope you did not stand on the gangplank while the ferry was rolling heavily.

Anonymous said...

How could I have forgotten to comment on your Jackie O sunglasses? How very classy of you. From someone old enough to remember JKO

Anonymous said...

I know something you could do to look really cool. Put the sunglasses up on your head. I saw someone do that once. Not cool when they are on the eyes.



Anonymous said...

I know something you could do to look really cool. Put the sunglasses up on your head. I saw someone do that once. Not cool when they are on the eyes.



Keith said...

Nice job with the article in the Source. I vote we club Lady Gaga.

Camber Carpenter said...

Thank you, Mr. Bradbury.

I am going to intentially misconstrue what you mean by "we should club Lady Gaga" and vote you president of The Lady Gaga Fan Club. I have thrust greatness upon you; do with it what you will.