I can't arrange the photos, I think because my aerobics instructor sent me a virus, so here they are in a lump. I hope:
The one with a kid and me was taken by his mother. She wanted a picture with me and I told her that my mom probably would want one too. Some things are universal.
I saw Seussical at my university a few years ago, but I didn't really get it. I wasn't too hard on myself, though, realizing that a bona fide Doctor wrote the literature on which Seussical is based.
I crooned (not coronered) again at the posh wine bar. I can't wait to take my parents there in July. They will feel so comfortable and at home. Romain and Nicole (two French friends) came to support, so I sang Autumn Leaves partly in French for them. It was a little nerve-wracking. With non-French people, I can fake it and no one is the wiser, but with legit French people, I actually have to say the correct French words, not mumbling with a French accent. Romain said it's his favorite song and he understood every word. Elvis and Michael (potentially a potential) also came out and as I sat there with the 4 of them, I realized that I was the only one whose native tongue is English...but the language of the evening was, of course, English. What a bully my language is.
I also auditioned for The Merchant of Venice, but the director, with great remorse, was unable to offer me a part. However, I will be learning how to play the tuba for a holiday band this year. Everything in life evens out.