Friday, May 15, 2009

At Last

My dream of being a crooner has finally come to fruition. After a day of conceptualizing and writing synopsis for two new shows for next year, my first Putongua class, and a rehearsal for the cabaret musical, I stopped by the wine bar where my friend/church organist plays. It's the only really good live music I've found so far in HK, and Cedric (the pianist, who for the record and to quench the curiosity of my family, will NOT be participating in the "potentials" reality show to be held in July) planned several English songs for tonight. I met the other combo members--wildly talented oboist/singer and guitarist. They showed me the songs they were going to play and when I saw "Fly Me to the Moon," I expressed great delight:

"That's by far my favorite jazz standard."
Cedric: "Okay, you will sing that one."
"What? No, that's really ok."

After hearing several amazing renditions of some classics, Gordon the Oboist announced:
"And now, we have a special guest from Chicago to sing our next piece."
Cedric added:
"Her brother went to the same school as LeBron James!" (This inaccurate statement is residue from a misunderstanding in the far distant past.)

After an intro like that, I really had no choice but to sing--thus fulfilling my latent dream to be a crooner. I plan to sing with them again; next time in Cantonese, which will fulfill yet another hitherto unrealized dream.


The Classic Harpist said...

We need more info on the "potentials".

Zodiac signs?
Favorite colors?
Shellfish allergies?
Solutions to world peace?

Anonymous said...

Do you have a "bucket list"? You are accomplishing many things that might have been on such a list. Talk to your sister about buckets. Also do we need celebrity judges for the "Miss A" reality competition? Trump has a busy schedule.

The Classic Harpist said...

The judges should be a prime example of worlds colliding.

My nominees: Helen. Elmer. Cool Dude. Jerusalem (Chicago bus tour guide). Adorkable.

Camber Carpenter said...

I'm not at liberty to disclose the personal information of the contestants.

Anonymous Mother,
The Bucket List seems to be created as I check off items. I didn't know until it happened that it was my dream to sing a Sinatra standard with a Chinese guy named Dragon.

CH again,
I really didn't need to be reminded as to who Jerusalem is. She, formerly thought to be he, made a permanent imprint on me. I just sometimes erroneously call her Israel.
Helen and Elmer isn't a drastic collision of worlds if you think about it.
was Adorkable the guy from the vet's office? The one who I almost dropped the Skitty box in front of?

JobFinder said...

Switch around the "o" and "r" in "crooner" and you've got "coroner." This is what I realized in the last paragraph of this post. I was confused by the post until then. I couldn't see how you were going to get from "Fly me to the Moon" to autopsies, but it was as simple as switching two letters.

The Classic Harpist said...

The description of Jerusalem was for the benefit of everyone else. I knew you would remember.

No, Adorkable is my student. The one you always positioned yourself in the kitchen so he'd notice you. But then he'd have to talk to a girl, so it didn't do you any good.

Helen would have plenty to say about Elmer. And Jerusalem.

Anonymous said...

Name all the judges you like. The prevailing rule, however, is that The, Dad, will be one of the judges and will have a weighted vote (like, for instance, 51%). The right is reserved to cast all potentials off the island.



Unknown said...

Look at this-my first comment on all of this hilarity. You know when we play the worlds colliding game that I can't help but get involved somehow. My 4 judges for the reality show (aside from The, Dad) would be Woo-Woo, Randal Musch, Johnny V, and pastor Dave Knudson from Trent.

Camber Carpenter said...

I did NOT see Knudson coming.

Unknown said...

Yes, Knudson was actually the first one I thought of and then figured I would set up that surprise ending with three moderately predictable people.

Camber Carpenter said...

yeah, I didn't want to mention that the first three were mildly mediocre.
Gotta say I was a little disappointed. Then I realized you had built us all down for a big let up.

nikki said...

Cams- I know this is late...I have fleeting internet and so must frantically try to catch up on all your bloggings at once. I do think that one of your judges should be the tambourinist from the popular yet widely unknown band "Udder Mayhem." She may, however, need to work on getting a passport.