Saturday, October 25, 2008

Let Go of My Fin

At long last, we had our first performance of "Oops, I Killed A Penguin." I don't think I ever mentioned it before (because I don't like to brag), but I am the Penguin. I also play a pirate (sadly, no time to put on a puffy shirt) and character called Smogman, in which I have a smoke machine attached to my costume.
This maiden performance went....chaotic. We, the "brilliant actors" (that's what they call us) were fine, but did not expect the audience reaction. We banked on zero response based on past experience with Cantonese kids. There are several times when we break the 4th wall and try to force audience participation (make them chant, read signs, other things to promote language learning).
There's also a time when I, as the Penguin, skate into the audience, and pelt Tim with trash. I give pieces of rubbish to students and encourage them to throw it at Tim. I thought I would have to coerce them into doing it, but no. The moment I handed a piece to some kids in the front row, about 80 kids swarmed me, trying to grab garbage from my bag and yanking on my fins. In abject fear, I scurried back on-stage before the masses destroyed the costume.
Despite the actors' stressed-out state and the audience's amazingly destructive enthusiasm, we go the message across. The principal told us that after the show, she asked the students who wanted to kill the penguin and none of them did (out of an audience of about 300). This either means that they don't want to promote environmental damage...or my Penguin was incredibly empathetic.
That same day, we had another performance at the museum and then that night, I helped out with a rehearsal for Jungle Book. One of the kids at that rehearsal told me that he saw a drama that day from the Dramatic English company.
"You did?! Did you see me?"
"Oh...uh, did you see a penguin?"

I feel like a broken record, but once again, no day off since last posting, hence no new pictures. But in other news, I just got cast in a film called "Hollywood Road." It's a romantic comedy set in Hong Kong, and I'm one of the leads: Julia, a sarcastic florist. It's almost like my real life, but more fragrant. I met with the director today, and he seems completely normal. There's also a part for a Japanese girl (it's a multi-lingual film: English, Cantonese, and Japanese), so Kazumi is going to step in for that. We plan to attempt to incorporate our juggling skills wherever possible.
Now I need to go iron my puffy shirt.


Anonymous said...

I have been waiting with bated breath for the response to the penguin. It had to have been amazing! Kudos to the TIE team. Congrats on the florist gig. Could we host the USA premiere? you know who

Anonymous said...

Do they give you overtime pay for all these days you don't have off? I am anxious to hear more about the Hollywood venture. Please do not be so sarcastic that the flowers wilt.

niftysunburn said...

So what are you guys looking into putting on in January? I would really like to see this penguin sketch.

I've put in to the travel agent with my prospective itinerary and am waiting to see what deals they can come up with for me.

I'll let you know about it when I do.

The Classic Harpist said...

You are a very empathetic penguin. Or maybe it's just pathetic. I'll have to see it for myself. Children the world over always want to play with trash.

More fragrant - how?

Camber Carpenter said...

Julie- Thank you and YES! I'm sure the USA premiere will be something like me bringing a DVD of the movie to a pasta night at your place.
Dad- no. We keep track of missed days off and take them off later. Tim and I have at least 5 racked up right now.
James-Penguin is one of several shows we'll be doing in repertory, so we'll certainly still have it going when you're here! I'll let you come see it as long as you promise not to encourage the small children to tackle me.
Devonator-as always, your words inspire. Pathetic and Empathetic. The Penguin embodies them both. You're fragrant.

Alisunsun said...

Geez Camber, you're taking China by storm! Can I get an autographed headshot/fish/flower/puffy shirt?

Camber Carpenter said...

haahahaha. Sure! I'll even throw in some autographed homemade juggling balls. Look for it all in your 25th street box.