The job is to throw a giant rope from the ferry to the dock. We agreed that with this job, between the rope throwing, one could accomplish much reading, if one desired.
Since we perform at schools in the far reaches of Hong Kong, we are frequently graced with non-touristy scenes. Thanks to a GREAT suggestion from AliC, I've started taking photos of some of these scenes. More to come, but for now... Line drying on a public railing:
Man with a bird cage:
We still use the camera in the show. This was the first time the student was really into it:
Also, everyone knows about the East Asian Games coming to Hong Kong in a couple weeks. Every country represented at the games gets to have a giant illuminated structure. This is in TST, by the clock tower. I took a photo of the Mongolian one--just for you, Caitlin.
Does this look like your ger?:
I went on a date the other night with a guy I've known for several months...he told me I'm much more beautiful now that I have fewer chins. HAHAHAHAHA!!! No American would ever say that. Fortunately, I'm beyond taking offense to just about anything.
We had our first rehearsal for "The Odd Couple" on Saturday morning--a read through/brunch at the 24-hour breakfast diner. This cast is incredible. One woman is named "Shirley" so I look forward to asking if she's serious. "Tom Sawyer" is going strong. We had our first full run-through tonight and we open in about 3 and a half weeks. Tonight, the guy playing Tom told me that he begged and pleaded with the director of "The Odd Couple" to have something to do with the production, since the cast is all the "big names". I denied being such, but nonetheless look forward to having him as deputy stage manager.
Jodi (director of "Tom Sawyer") and I went to a great production of "The Merchant of Venice"--planning to go on a hike with "fewer chins" guy tomorrow, barring a weather-related cancellation. This entry contains an excessive use of quotation marks. I'll try to keep that in check next time.
It probably should be pointed out that the guy on the dock is displaying all the working tools of his trade. Besides the rope, he has the pole with hook, often needed for grasping the rope; and, most importantly, the chair, which is used 93.4% of the time he is on duty.
What country has an enormous cucumber, with fins, as its symbol?
If the Odd Couple is to have ALL the truly big names, then I guess you need to recruit Earnst Wolfeschleigelhausenburgerdorf.
The use of quotation marks seems to eminate from the technological shortcomings of the computer system which does not allow for italics, which should be used in many of the instances in which you have resorted to "QM's."
oh, dear, The, Dad has just revealed one of his computer shortcomings.
How in the world did you get a picture of my ger? Were you here? It is a perfect replica. Not really, but thanks. Love, C
The, Dad: Earnst is on his way.
The cucumber with fins is in fact a giant dragon tail with spikes.
(that could qualify as a sentence no one has ever said before. Caitlin, judge, please.)
are you going to go to an east asia game event? i'm thinking of going to one of the lame ones, like the competive ballroom dancing and creating my commentary during the event.
McG--I SOOO want to go to a lame EAG event. Hook a sister up! gotta work around Tom rehearsals, but shyeah, I'm there.
What happened to your other chins? Has there been some sort of chin incident? Is there a collection going on, like Coats for Kids, only chins for the chin deprived? I could help.
I also wondered about the ginormous cucumber with flappers above the ger that is not Caitlin's. I wondered to myself, "self," I wondered, "what is up with the big flappered cuc?"
Which may be a sentence no one has ever said.
Another truly big name you need on the Odd Couple is Joe Kananinoheaokuuhomeopuukaimanaalohi-lo Which is really, really big name. I do not know if he is much of an actor, though. Or his avaibility. You can't really just expect such a big name to drop everything and just come to Hong Kong on a moments notice, can you? I guess just contact his agent?
Caitlin's not ger made me so homesick for her I could cry. But not on your blog. So my hankie and me are going to take a little boo hoo break.
Au Reservior!
love, d
Deirdre (Caitlin's Mom) should have her own blog. If her blog comments are any indication of her humor unbounded, everyone would read such a wondrous tale of life as she knows it. You Rock d.
I applied for that same Rope gig at Franklin Lake but it seems there is a waiting list.
Keith, do you have an appropriate hoook and chair?
I don't know, d, where all my chins have gone. Don't worry, I still have more than one. When I get Uno, then I'll really freak out, but be sure to tell you or else I'll lose the game when I have zero.
Mr. B--I'm sure if you have an appropriate outfit (think Popeye) you will soar to the top of the list for rope wrangler at Franklin Lake. Ask my mom for assistance. It's kind of her specialty.
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